Prof. Dr. med. Bodo Lippitz

In the 30 years of my clinical work in neurosurgery I have focused early on minimal invasive techniques in the treatment of brain tumours. Stereotactic and microsurgical training in Homburg and Aachen, Germany, Assistant Professor at the Duke University, Durham, USA . Further specialisation at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Karolinska University, Stockholm, where the concept of radiosurgery and the Gamma Knife technology had been developed. Between 2000 and 2001 and 2006-2008 Director of the Karolinska Gamma Knife Center. Between 1999 and 2005 Director of the International Gamma Knife Training Courses at the Karolinska University Stockholm, which were mandatory for all new Gamma Knife Centers worldwide. Beside the employment in Stockholm, since 9/2008 Co-Director of the Bupa Cromwell Hospital Gamma Knife Centre. Since 10/2006 Professor of Neurosurgery (University Aachen, Germany). Between 2007 and 2011 President of the European Gamma Knife Society (EGKS). Languages Spoken: English, German, Swedish

My clinical priority is the Gamma Knife treatment of benign and malignant brain tumours and of arterio-venous malformations.


Prof. Dr. Bodo Lippitz

Prof. Dr. med. Bodo Lippitz

Vorträge 2012–2014

2012 1. Tagung der Sektion Stereotaxie und Radiochirurgie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, München, LMU, Klinikum der Universität München, February 3rd-4th, 2012 Vortrag: Bestimmt die Anzahl der Hirnmetastasen die Prognose? Vortrag: 10-Jahres-Verlaufsuntersuchung in der Gamma Knife Behandlung intracerebraler Meningiome 2. XXth Anniversary of the Marseille Radiosurgery Program, Marseille, February 16th, 2012 Vortrag: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery‘Perfexion’: A Paradigm Shift in the Treatment of Brain Metastases 3. CURSO TEÓRICO – PRÁCTICO DE TÉCNICAS AVANZADAS EN RADIOCIRUGÍA, Fondacion Gruppo IMO, Madrid March, 12th-14th, 2012 Vortrag: Radiosurgery in Current Global Health Economic Trends Vortrag: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery of Solitary Brain Metastases 4. Annual Meeting: Svenska Hjärntumörsföreningen 2012, Stockholm, March 29th, 2012 Vortrag:  Minimal Invasiv Behandling av Hjärntumörer 5. I Jornada de Metastasis Cerebrales, Salon de actos del hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain, April 26th 2012, Vortrag: Radiosurgery in Current Global Health Economic Trends 6. Bupa Seminar: Best Management Series: New Developments in the treatment of Metastatic Disease, Royal College of Surgeons, London May 25th, 2012 Vortrag: Treatment of brain metastases using Gamma Knife radiosurgery Vortrag: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for recurrent metastases after failed fractionated whole Brain Radiotherapy 7. Second Annual Brain Metastases Research and Emerging Therapy Conference, Marseille, France September 5th, 2012 Vortrag: MR changes and their Interpretation following radiosurgical treatment of brain metastases 8. From The Laboratory to the Clinic: Towards New Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases: Oxford Trinity College, September 10-13, 2012 Vortrag: Circumstantial evidence for a uniform cytokine reaction pattern in cancer patients 9. Opening Ceremony Gamma Knife Center Curitiba, Brazil October 2nd, 2012 Vortrag: Current Indications for Gamma Knife Radiosurgery: an overview 10. 13th Congress of the Spanish Radiosurgical Society, October 17-19th 2012, San Sebastian, Spain Vortrag: Radiosurgery in Current Global Health Economic Trends in Europe 11. LV Annual Chilean Congress of Neurosurgery, October 24-27th, 2012, Pürto Varas, Chile. Vortrag: Gamma Knife treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia Vortrag: Alternatives in the treatment of pituitary adenoma 12. SK kurs endokrinologi (post-graduate course endocrinology) Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, Stockholm 13th November, 2012 Vortrag: Radiokirurgisk behandling av patienter med hypofysadenom 13. Symposium „Gamma Knife Center Tilburg: 10 years and 5000 patients later, controversies in Radiosurgery“ Amsterdam, November 23rd, 2012. Moderator of Point-counterpoint discussion: Minesh Mehta vs. Jonathan Kniseley Vortrag: Treatment of Multiple Brain Metastases 14. Annual European Gamma Knife Society Meeting 24th November, 2012 Amsterdam, Netherlands Vortrag: Developments 2010-2012: State-of-the-art in the Treatment of Brain Metastases

2013 15. Annual Meeting of the Swedish Pituitary Group (Möte i Svenska Hypofysgruppen), Sky City, Arlanda Stockholm February 8th, 2013 Vortrag: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Pituitary Adenoma 16. Symposium 20 Anni della Gamma Knife a Verona, March 1st, 2013, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata, Verona, Italy Vortrag: Aspetti e confronti internazionali del sistema di rimborso 17. Symposium Experiences and Perspectives in Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, Hôpital Universitaire Pitié Salpetrière, April 12th, 2013-05-18 Vortrag: Radiosurgery for Benign Tumors 18. 4th Annual Meeting British Radiosurgery Society in Sheffield, 21th May 2013, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom Vortrag: 2010-2013 Recent Developments in Gamma Knife treatments for Brain Metastases 19.  Radiumhemmet Karolinska Hospital Stockholm, Sweden June 14th, 2013 Vortrag: Stereotaktisk radiokirurgisk behandling av hjärnmetastaser I Gamma Knife 20. ISRS 2013: 11th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress, June 16-20th, 2013, Toronto, Canada Vortrag: Principles of Radiosurgery 21.  Röntgenvecka Uppsala September 2-6th, 2013, Uppsala Sweden Vortrag: Gamma Knife Radiokirurgi 22. Elekta User Group Meeting September 12-13th, 2013, Rhodes, Greece Chair: Abstract Presentations 23.  Current Standards and Controversies in the Management of Cerebral Metastatic Disease, 4th October, 2013, Great Hall St Bartholomew’s Hospital London, UK Vortrag: Adverse radiation effects based on 130 patients with larger Brain metastases with a survival of more than 9  months Willers, H., Würschmidt F, Janik, I., Bünemann, H., & Heilmann, H. P. (1997). [Combined breast-preserving surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the treatment of breast carcinoma. Effect of the interval between surgery and the beginning of radiotherapy]. Strahlenther Onkol, 173(3), 148–154. Wuerschmidt, F., Petersen, C., Wahl, A., Dahle, J., & Kretschmer, M. (2011). [18F]fluoroethylcholine-PET/CT imaging for radiation treatment planning of recurrent and primary prostate cancer with dose escalation to PET/CT-positive lymph nodes. Radiation Oncology (London, England), 6(1), 44. Würschmidt F. (1993). Combined modality treatment of the rhabdomyosarcoma R1H of the rat: influence of sequence of cisplatin and fractionated irradiation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 25(1), 73–78.

2014 24. Meeting Bröstcancerförening Stockholm January 24th, 2014 Vortrag: Stereotactic Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Brain Metastases 25. SK kurs (specialistkompetenskurs) Karolinska Huddinge: Neurokirurgisk Behandling av cerebrala metastaser: January 31th, 2014 26. 17th International Meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, New York May 11-15th, 2014 Moderator: Session Cost-Effectiveness and Reimbursement from a Global Perspective Moderator: Flash Oral Poster session Vortrag: 10-Year Follow-up after Gamma Knife radiosurgery of Meningioma Vortrag: Algorithm to Avoid Adverse Radiation Effects after Gamma Knife Radiosurgery of Brain Metastases Vortrag: 10-Year Follow-up after Gamma Knife radiosurgery of Pilocytic Astrocytoma 27.  5. DEGRO (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Radio-Onkologie) Workshop für KAI, Freiburg, Germany, May14th, 2014 Vortrag: Wettlauf der Giganten: Gesundheitsökonomie in Grossbritannien, Schweden und Deutschland 28. European Association of Neurosurgery Pragü October 12-17th, 2014, Pragü, Czech Republic Vortrag: Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Brain Metastases: Why the Paradigms Are Changing


Gedruckte Veröffentlichungen 2004–2014

1. Lippitz BE , Kräpelien T, Hautanen K, Ritzling M, Rähn T, Ulfarsson E, Böthius J : Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Patients with Multiple Cerebral Metastases; Acta Neurochirurgica (2004) (Suppl) 91: 79-87 2. Lippitz B. [Gamma knife surgery improves the treatment of intracranial tumors][Article in Swedish] Läkartidningen 2004 Sep 30;101(40):3078-80. 3. Bodo E. Lippitz: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in the Minimal Invasive Treatment of Brain Metastases: The State-of-the-Art Rivista Medica, 2005, 11(1-2) 31-37 4. Paddick I., Lippitz BE. A simple dose gradient measurement tool to complement the conformity index. J Neurosurg (Suppl) 105: 194-201, 2006 5. Bodo E. Lippitz :Treatment of Brain Metastases using Gamma Knife Radiosurgery: The Gold Standard; European Neurological Review, Vol. 3 Issü 1, 2008 6. Mikäl Söderman, Bengt Karlsson, Bodo Lippitz., Tommy Andersson: Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Arterio-venous Fistula in In: Lunsford LD, Sheehan J, eds. Intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery. New York: Thieme Medical Publishers; 2010: 41-47 7. B.Lippitz: Health Economy in Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, White Paper 2013 8. B.Lippitz: Treatment of cavernoma: an evidence-based dilemma? Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2013;116:99-101. 9. Lippitz BE. Cytokine patterns in patients with cancer: a systematic review. Lancet Oncol. 2013 May;14(6):e218-28. 10. Lippitz BE, Lindquist C, Paddick I, Peterson D, O‘Neill K, Beaney R. Stereotactic radiosurgery in the treatment of brain metastases: the current evidence. Cancer Treat Rev. 2014 Feb;40(1):48-59. 11. Dodoo E, Huffmann B, Peredo I, Grinaker H, Sinclair G, Machinis T, Enger PO, Pedersen PH, Skeie B, Ohlsson M, Orriego A, Kräpelien T, Barsoum P, Benmakhlouf H, Herrman L, Svensson M, Lippitz B. Increased survival utilizing delayed gamma knife radiosurgery for recurrent high grade glioma: a feasibility study. World Neurosurg. 2014 Jun 12. 12. Bodo Lippitz: Stereotactic Radiosurgery as Salvage Treatment for malignant glioma: A Review Submitted 2014 13. Bodo Lippitz: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in the treatment of Pituitary Adenoma: Submitted 2014 14. Bodo Lippitz, Erik Jensen, Magnus Backheden: 10- year Follow-up after Radiosurgery of Meningioma, J Neurosurg submitted 2014 15. Bodo Lippitz, Tobias Nelder, Heather Martin,: A Potential Algorithm for the Prediction of Adverse Radiation Effects in the Radiosurgical Treatment of Brain Metastases J Neurosurg submitted 2014 16. Bodo Lippitz, Ian Paddick, Magnus Backheden: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Cerebral Metastases: A Clinical Study, submitted 2014 17. Bodo Lippitz, Robert Harris: The Cytokine Pattern in Cancer Patients: The Prognostic Significance of Interleukin 6:  submitted 18. Bodo Lippitz: 10- year Follow-up after Radiosurgery of Pilocytic Astrocytoma, in preparation 2014 19. Bodo Lippitz, Mikäl Söderman M., Elisabeth Ronne-Engström, Per Enblad, Sandro Rossitti, Staffan Holmin: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery of Cerebral AVM: A Long-term Analysis, in preparation